Rishi Sunak warns of migrant smugglers needing 'a bigger boat' if Labour wins election

Rishi Sunak warns of migrant smugglers needing 'a bigger boat' if Labour wins election

Rishi Sunak vs. Keir Starmer

In a fiery debate, PM Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer clashed over migrants, ethics, Brexit, and tax policies. Sunak warned against surrendering to Labour and questioned Starmer's plans to send boat crossers back to the Middle East.

Debate Highlights

The debate saw accusations and counter-accusations flying, with Sunak branding Starmer as "out of touch" and Starmer hitting back at the PM's Brexit stance. Both leaders faced tough questions from the audience on integrity and leadership.

Tax and Welfare Clash

Sunak and Starmer sparred over tax policies, with Sunak warning of increased taxes under Labour. The discussion also touched on welfare bills and getting people into work. Sunak accused Labour of running "out of everyone's money."

Trans Rights and Women's Spaces

The leaders clashed over trans rights and women-only spaces, with Sunak accusing Starmer of confusion on the issue. Starmer emphasized dignity and respect, referencing a controversial joke made by Sunak in Parliament.

Rishi Sunak warns of migrant smugglers needing 'a bigger boat' if Labour wins election

Final Verdict

The debate ended with no clear winner, as both leaders traded blows on various issues. Sunak's warning of "a bigger boat" for migrant smugglers under Labour and Starmer's emphasis on dignity and respect were key takeaways from the intense face-off.