Rishi Sunak accuses Labour of bankrupting the country and warns of higher taxes under Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak accuses Labour of bankrupting the country and warns of higher taxes under Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak vs. Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak has criticized Labour, stating that they will bankrupt the country, leading to increased taxes for citizens. The Prime Minister took aim at Keir Starmer over bankrupt Labour councils in Birmingham and Nottingham.

Labour's Defense

In response, Keir Starmer argued that councils of all political affiliations have faced financial struggles due to inadequate funding from the government, not just Labour-run councils.

Clash Over Liz Truss

During the exchange, Sir Keir also mentioned Liz Truss, poking fun at Rishi for supporting her despite his previous warnings about her economic policies. Rishi defended his stance and urged trust in his economic judgment.

Decision Time for Voters

The debate heated up with Keir questioning the economic damage caused by the Tories under a Tory Prime Minister and urging voters to consider their options carefully.