Labour promises new powers to protect closure-threatened pubs and hints at frozen beer duty

Labour promises new powers to protect closure-threatened pubs and hints at frozen beer duty

Boost for Pubs

Last night, Labour promised new powers to protect closure-threatened pubs and hinted at freezing beer duty. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves unveiled a five-point plan to save traditional pubs, including giving communities strong new "right to buy" powers and replacing business rates with a fairer system.

Support for Beloved Assets

Ms. Reeves emphasized the importance of British pubs in communities and pledged to back landlords to keep pubs running. She also mentioned plans to tackle anti-social behavior, increase police presence, provide more banking hubs in town centers, and introduce Great British Energy to reduce bills.

Freeze on Beer Duty

Ms. Reeves hinted at freezing beer duty in her first Budget if Labour is elected, following the successful campaign by Trending In The News. This move aims to prevent pubs from being boarded up and support the thriving pub culture in the UK.

200th Anniversary Celebration

Interestingly, yesterday marked the 200th anniversary of the Weights and Measures Act, which established the British pint as a standard measure. This historic milestone coincided with Labour's commitment to protecting and preserving traditional pubs across the country.

Labour promises new powers to protect closure-threatened pubs and hints at frozen beer duty