Tories issue warning as Labour calls for reset in UK's relationship with EU

Tories issue warning as Labour calls for reset in UK's relationship with EU

Tory concerns over Labour's stance

Senior Tories have raised alarms over Labour's recent calls for a reset in the UK's relationship with the EU. Ex-Trade Secretary Liam Fox has expressed fears that Labour's approach could jeopardize the Brexit decision made in June 2016 if the Tories are not re-elected next month.

Rachel Reeves' stance on Brexit

Labour's Rachel Reeves has stirred controversy by advocating for a revisit of closer ties with the EU in sectors like chemicals and for London's financial district workers. This move has prompted concerns among Tories, with Lord Frost, who negotiated the UK's Brexit deal, cautioning against trusting Labour on Brexit.

Labour's position

Despite the tensions, Rachel Reeves clarified that Labour respects the 2016 Brexit vote and has no intention of bringing back EU regulations. She emphasized that the UK is outside the EU's regulatory frameworks and that any future deals must benefit British businesses without compromising sovereignty.

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