Brits catching Covid every day rises by 30% in a week as map reveals outbreak hotspots

THE number of people in England being infected with Covid-19 each day has risen by 30 per cent in just one week.

Cases are currently highest in those aged 10-19, new data has revealed, with infections now climbing up “the generational ladder”.

Brits catching Covid every day rises by 30% in a week as map reveals outbreak hotspots

Brits catching Covid every day rises by 30% in a week as map reveals outbreak hotspots
The chart above shows coronavirus infections by different age groups

The seven day rate of cases across this age group is currently 1084.2 per 100,000 figures from Public Health England states (PHE) – with maps above showing the latest outbreak hotspots.

It comes as data from the ZOE Covid Symptom Study app revealed that in England, cases were up by 28.9 per cent in one week.

And infections in the UK rose by 22 per cent in seven days, as cases continue to rise.

Professor Tim Spector, behind the symptom study app, said: “While the latest ZOE data shows new cases are up on last week, it’s encouraging to see national hospitalisation rates falling as we approach winter. 

“While most cases are still in the young, we’re seeing infections being passed up the generational ladder, likely from school children to their parents.

‘This is a critical time and a little caution could make all the difference in avoiding a winter crisis for hospitals.!

The new figures also show around 2,000 in every 100,000 people aged between 0 and 19 have Covid now – up from 1,500 around three weeks ago.

Around 1,300 in every 100,000 adults aged between 30 and 49 are currently infected.

It comes after parents have been warned they could catch Covid in the next few weeks and that they could pass it on to their older relatives.

Stats show one in 79 children aged between 0 and nine years old have Covid, going up to one in 36 for those aged between 10 and 19 years old.

The figure is around one in 75 for those in their 30s and 40s.

Prof Spector added: “Many of them may well be the parents who are mixing with these infected kids. I think this is likely to be a driving infection source for the next few weeks.”

Data from PHE shows that the lowest case rates are currently in those aged 80 and above and millions more booster jabs are set to be rolled out in the coming weeks in order to protect the most vulnerable.

Infections are currently highest in the East Midlands at 440.4 per 100,000 and data published earlier this week revealed that Kettering is struggling with infections.


Senior lecturer in epidemiology at Queen Mary University London Professor Deepti Gurdasani said the rate of infections was “unbelievable”.

She said that more than five per cent of all 10-14 year-old are being confirmed as cases in Kettering each week.

“The level of infection is probably even higher than confirmed cases. So many children who could’ve been vaccinated, now being infected, with all its impacts on them and their families”, she tweeted.

Case rates are lowest in London with a seven day rate of 201.9 cases per 100,000.

But the number of acute respiratory infection incidents has risen in England, going from 622 in week 38, compared to 544 in the previous week.

Despite this, hospital admissions are down from 6.46 per 100,000 to 5.26.

Hospital admissions for Covid are highest in the North East and continue to be in those aged 85 and over.

Meera Chand, Covid-19 incident director at PHE said that case rates remain high across the country – especially in younger people.

She said: “As we approach winter, everyone should keep following the simple steps to protect ourselves and others.

“Wear a face covering in enclosed spaces, avoid mixing with others if you feel unwell and get a PCR test straight away if you have any Covid-19 symptoms.

“The best way to protect yourself and others against Covid-19 is to get the vaccine – please make sure to get it if you are eligible.”

The chart above shows the new cases in people across the UK. The light blue line show people who are infected that are fully vaccinated, and the top line shows all people with and without Covid jabs
Brits catching Covid every day rises by 30% in a week as map reveals outbreak hotspots