Yvette Cooper to Launch Border Security Command Squad in First 100 Days of Office

Yvette Cooper to Launch Border Security Command Squad in First 100 Days of Office

Labour's Promise to Crack Down on People Smuggling Gangs

Yvette Cooper, the shadow Home Secretary, pledges to establish a Border Security Command squad within the first 100 days of a Labour government, sending a clear message to people smuggling gangs: "We are coming for you."

Key Points of Cooper's Plan

Cooper vows to bring the "full force of the law crashing down" on criminals involved in the deadly small boats crisis, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the need to secure Britain's borders.

Labour's Stance on Illegal Migration

Labour seeks to distance itself from past soft border policies by proposing a new Border Security Command unit with counter-terror powers to combat people smuggling gangs and strengthen returns deals for illegal immigrants.

Debunking the Rwanda Plan

Cooper criticizes the Tory government's Rwanda deportation plan as a "con and a gimmick," highlighting the high costs to UK taxpayers without significant results in deterring illegal migration.

Yvette Cooper to Launch Border Security Command Squad in First 100 Days of Office

Challenges and Questions Ahead

As Labour aims to regain trust in controlling Britain's borders, questions remain about the party's approach to legal migration, foreign aid spending, and managing the deportation backlog.

Can Brits Trust Labour on Migration?

With the upcoming election and Labour's lead in polls, the party faces scrutiny on its ability to tackle migration effectively and maintain border security, as Cooper stresses the importance of practical plans over grand promises.

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