Boris Johnson to Be Away for General Election Campaign

Boris Johnson to Be Away for General Election Campaign

Boris Johnson's Absence During Election Campaign

Boris Johnson will be out of the country for the majority of the election campaign, which comes as a significant snub to Rishi Sunak. Despite suggestions that the two men would team up for the election, Johnson had prior commitments, including professional speaking engagements and personal holidays that were already scheduled before the General Election was called for July 4th.

Disappointment Among Tory MPs

This news will be a disappointment for some Tory MPs who were hoping for Johnson's presence on the campaign trail. Despite private pleas from MPs for his help in the campaign, Johnson has only been able to show support through a recorded video endorsing a Tory candidate in the seat of his close ally Nigel Adams.

Calls for Johnson's Involvement

One Boris loyalist publicly called for Rishi Sunak to allow Johnson to stand as an MP in the upcoming election. Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns expressed her opinion on X, stating, "With so many MPs retiring, I think Boris Johnson should stand in one of those seats. We need him."

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