Wales Tory leader Paul Davies quits after secret boozy party with other politicians in Welsh Parliament

THE Tory leader in the Welsh Parliament has quit after holding a secret boozy party with other politicians in the Senedd.

Paul Davies and other colleagues sank numerous bottles of wine and whisky in a seven-hour drinking marathon last month.

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Wales Tory leader Paul Davies quits after secret boozy party with other politicians in Welsh Parliament
Welsh Tory leader Paul Davies has resigned today after a secret boozy party in the Senned

Wales Tory leader Paul Davies quits after secret boozy party with other politicians in Welsh Parliament
Senedd members got plastered in the building

Announcing his resignation today, Mr Davies said: “I am truly sorry for my actions on the 8th and 9th December.

“They have damaged the trust and respect that I have built up over 14 years in the Welsh Parliament with my colleagues and the wider Conservative Party but more importantly with the people of Wales.”

He added: “For the sake of my party, my health and my own conscience, I simply cannot continue in post.”

His chief whip, Darren Millar MS, also announced his resignation today, adding: “I am very sorry for my actions, especially given the impact of the tough restrictions that people and businesses are enduring.”

Trending In The News reported this week how a handful of legless politicians were asked to leave the Senedd and stumbled out at 2am, a source said.

It came just days after the Welsh government ordered all pubs and restaurants to stop serving alcohol and close by 6pm.

An assembly insider said: “They were absolutely legless, being very loud and raucous. They didn’t give a hoot about social distancing.”

Former Welsh Labour minister Alun Davies and Tory chief of staff Paul Smith were also among revellers in the Ty-Hywel canteen.

Wales Tory leader Paul Davies quits after secret boozy party with other politicians in Welsh Parliament
Welsh Conservative AM for Clwyd West Darren Millar also resigned

Both Mr Davies and Mr Millar today insisted they did not breach any coronavirus regulations during the booze-up.

Mr Davies said: “What we did was to have some alcohol with a meal we heated up in a microwave, which was a couple of glasses of wine on the Tuesday and a beer on the Wednesday. I broke no actual Covid-19 regulations.”

He added that, since the beginning of the pandemic, he had been following Covid rules “to the letter”.

Wales Tory leader Paul Davies quits after secret boozy party with other politicians in Welsh Parliament
Former Welsh Labour minister Alun Davies was among revellers in the Ty-Hywel canteen

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