UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging

BRITS will put the country’s roadmap to freedom at risk if they don’t carry on following the lockdown rules, a minister warned today, as he urged people to “call out” friends and family for hugging.

Sports minister Nigel Huddlestone said the PM may not be able to press ahead with his plan to end restrictions on June 21 if the public takes liberties with today’s easing of curbs on outdoor gatherings.

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UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging
Brits are allowed to meet up outdoors again from today
UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging
Sports minister Nigel Huddlestone urged people to stick to the rules

And he suggested people should “respectfully call out” loved ones who fail to stick to social distancing, urging Brits to avoid hugging and close contact because it risks spreading the virus.

His remarks come as the country takes its first major step out of the three-month lockdown today, with a heavy focus on allowing outdoor activities again for the first time this year.

As of today up to six people, or two different households, can meet up outside including in private gardens, and the Government’s “stay at home” message is formally dropped.

Brits are now allowed to travel across the country to see friends and family, but, they must only meet up in the open air and overnight stays are still banned.

UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging

Outdoor sports and leisure facilities like swimming pools, golf courses, and football pitches are also reopening as of today with Covid-secure measures in place.

Mr Huddlestone said today was “a really big day for millions of people across the UK just dying to get back to the things they love” but urged Brits to show caution and stick to the rules.

He insisted the police will continue to hand out fines to large groups flouting the rules in public places, but admitted it will be harder to monitor gatherings in private gardens.

And he said No 10 will “trust in the common sense of the British public to a very great degree” to stick with the rules, warning if they don’t the pathway to freedom is at risk.

UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging

He said: “I think most people understand and respect the rules and actually the common sense of British public is prevalent and I think will prevail.

“It’s really important that people think about themselves and their loved ones and the health and safety of their loved ones when they conduct any activity.

“The message is very, very clearly outdoor is much safer than indoor, please don’t put yourself or your family at risk. We’ve experienced Coronavirus now for over a year, most people know the law.

“So we really do need people to stick by the law, because otherwise the roadmap is at risk. But we don’t want it to be at risk, as long everybody abides by the rules.”

He added: “It is a roadmap. Those key milestones will be looked at very carefully indeed and if we don’t feel like we can proceed, then we won’t.”

UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging

Mr Huddlestone also urged Brits to resist dropping their guard on social distancing measures now that restrictions are being eased.

He said: “The message is very clearly, people do understand despite the temptation please don’t risk the health of your loved one by actually hugging and risk the spread of the disease.

“Of course when you’re hugging somebody you’re in incredibly close proximity to them.

“We’ve been through, this most people do know the rules. We know what to do we know how to behave.

“And also if you see somebody behaving in a slightly odd way then maybe call them out on it in a respectful way, because sometimes some people just forget.”

Asked how Brits should call out others, he added: “Well, if you see a loved one say ‘look, let’s just be a little bit more careful here – sorry, would love to give you a hug, but not at the moment’.

“I think people are sensible about this. Actually you do see people a little bit with caution, you see people all the time getting close to each other then suddenly thinking ‘well you know what I can’t do that, let’s just keep the distance’.

“I know it’s a little bit awkward, but actually in these circumstances, it’s the right thing to do.”

The next planned step in the PM’s roadmap to freedom is April 12, when pubs and restaurants will be allowed to serve outdoors and hairdressers will be able to reopen.

Then on May 17 hospitality settings will be allowed to welcome back indoors customers and overnight stays between two separate households will be allowed, respecting the rule of six.

Finally on June 21 it is planned for all restrictions to be lifted on mixing and venues that have had to stay shut throughout lockdown, like nightclubs, are also set to reopen.


UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging

UK lockdown: Roadmap ‘at risk’ if Brits don’t follow rules – as people urged to ‘call out’ friends & family for hugging