World’s biggest eco groups support The Sun’s Show Some Bottle campaign

World’s biggest eco groups support The Sun’s Show Some Bottle campaign

THE world’s biggest eco groups have lined up to support Trending In The News’s Show Some Bottle campaign.

Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Green Alliance are backing our fight to bring forward plans for a plastic bottle deposit scheme.

World’s biggest eco groups support The Sun’s Show Some Bottle campaign
Trending In The News is campaigning to bring forward plans for a plastic bottle deposit scheme

Greenpeace’s Sam Chetan-Welsh said: “If the Government delays, it will be asking our rivers, oceans and wildlife for an extension they can’t afford to give.”

Friends of the Earth’s Camilla Zerr said the scheme could be a gamechanger in reducing ­plastic waste in the sea.

Libby Peake, of independent think tank Green Alliance, said: “A successful scheme will drive down plastic pollution and other litter, boost recycling businesses and help people do the right thing.

“Government needs to get a move on.” 

World’s biggest eco groups support The Sun’s Show Some Bottle campaign
Trending In The News’s Show Some Bottle campaign has won backing from the world’s biggest eco groups

Politicians also backed our move. Lib Dem leader Ed Davey said: “We are delighted to support Trending In The News’s campaign.”

Environmental Audit Committee Chairman and Tory MP Philip Dunne said: “I congratulate Trending In The News on their campaign.”