Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Chancellor Rishi Sunak clash over flexible rail tickets plan

TRANSPORT chiefs have written to rail firms to demand they introduce flexible season tickets next year.

But Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is facing a standoff with Chancellor Rishi Sunak over the plans, which would have to be subsidised by the Government.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Chancellor Rishi Sunak clash over flexible rail tickets plan
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is facing a standoff with Rishi Sunak over flexible rail ticket plans
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Chancellor Rishi Sunak clash over flexible rail tickets plan
The Department for Transport wants rail operators to ‘get it sorted’ without a standoff with the Chancellor

Industry sources say they can only bring in flexi-tickets — which allow commuters to come in two to three times a week — with Whitehall cash.

The Department for Transport wants rail operators to “get it sorted” without a standoff with the Chancellor.

DfT insiders say flexi-tickets will be introduced across England next year, saving commuters hundreds on fares.

But a rail industry source said the letter was “cheeky” as they had put forward flexi-ticket plans last summer.

Our source added: “The Treasury is seeing pounds flying out the door and thinks; do we really want to be putting in place new tickets that would make it easier for people not to go back to the office five days a week?”

A DfT spokesperson said: “We are committed to providing a more flexible, modern ticketing system for passengers.

“That is why we are looking at ways to make this a reality for commuters, including flexible season tickets.

“We’ll set out further details in due course.”