Controversy as Second Failed Asylum Seeker Relocated to Rwanda

Controversy as Second Failed Asylum Seeker Relocated to Rwanda

Details of the Relocation

A SECOND failed asylum seeker has been relocated to Rwanda with another due this week, Trending In The News can reveal. The unnamed migrant, whose bid to stay in the United ­Kingdom was rejected, was flown out in recent days.

Government's Involvement

They became the second person to take up the scheme after Trending In The News revealed it was up and running in April. They were flown to Rwanda on a commercial flight with a £3,000 golden-goodbye from the British taxpayer to help relocate under an agreement signed with the African nation.

Home Office's Statement

In March, the Home Office revealed the voluntary relocation plan was open to anyone caught in Britain with no right to be here. They said then Rwanda stood "ready to accept people who wish to rebuild their lives and cannot stay in the UK".

Political Implications

The side deal is separate to the Government’s plan to process small boat crossers in Rwanda due to start next month — but only if the Tories win the election. Labour would scrap the plan and instead process thousands of small boat crossers stuck in legal limbo.

Government's Response

Due to strict "purdah" rules around the election, the Home Office declined to comment last night on the latest migrant to go. A source said: "We will not be providing updates on the uptake of our voluntary route."

Official Statement

When the first migrant was sent to Rwanda in April, the Home Office said: "We are now able to send asylum seekers under our migration and economic development partnership. This deal allows people with no immigration status here to be relocated to a safe third country where they will be supported to rebuild their lives."

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