Sir Keir Starmer to Bring Back Freedom of Movement, Says Labour Official

Sir Keir Starmer to Bring Back Freedom of Movement, Says Labour Official

Labour Pledges to Restore Freedom of Movement

A Labour official has boldly stated that Sir Keir Starmer will reinstate freedom of movement if the party wins power. Fiona Urquhart, chairwoman of Labour International, has promised to advocate for expats in the EU to have their own representative in Westminster.

Comments Spark Controversy

According to comments uncovered by the Mail, Urquhart hinted that Labour is not entirely transparent with voters regarding post-Brexit policies. Labour International, an affiliated group within the party, holds a significant position in policy discussions.

Labour's Stance on Brexit Agreements

In an interview with a local newspaper in Mallorca, Urquhart expressed that Labour, if successful in the next election, is willing to reexamine some Brexit agreements to facilitate easier travel for Britons in Europe. She emphasized the importance of restoring freedom of movement and hinted at discussions scheduled for 2026 regarding the Trade and Cooperation agreement.

Accusations from Senior Tories

Senior Tories have accused Sir Keir of misleading the public about his intentions to maintain a distance from Brussels. Former party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith claimed that Labour's true pro-EU agenda will emerge post-election day, leading to potential re-entry through the back door.

Sir Keir Starmer to Bring Back Freedom of Movement, Says Labour Official

Labour's Response

A Labour spokesperson refuted the claims, stating that returning to the single market, customs union, or freedom of movement is not part of their policy. They reiterated their commitment to the decision to leave the EU.

A spokesperson from Labour International clarified that their aim is to secure improved post-Brexit terms for the UK, specifically focusing on freedom of movement within the EU for British citizens, distinct from movement between the EU and the UK.