Nigel Farage accused of using "dog whistle" tactics in attack on Prime Minister

Nigel Farage accused of using dog whistle tactics in attack on Prime Minister

Controversial Remarks

NIGEL Farage has come under fire for using "dog whistle" tactics while criticizing the Prime Minister for leaving D-Day commemorations early. The Reform leader's comments were deemed "ill-advised" by Cabinet Minister Mel Stride, who accused Farage of suggesting that the PM is out of touch with "our culture."

Disconnect Allegations

Farage claimed that the Prime Minister is "utterly disconnected by class, by privilege, from how the ordinary folk in this country feel." He pointed to the PM's early departure from Normandy as evidence of this disconnect, stating that many traditional Conservative voters are now questioning their support for the party.

Political Consequences

Farage warned that the upcoming election will be a test for Conservative voters, with many considering whether to continue supporting the party or switch to Reform. Meanwhile, Cabinet Minister Mel Stride affirmed that Rishi Sunak will lead the Tories into the election, despite the controversy surrounding his early exit from the D-Day commemorations.

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