Rishi Sunak Rejects Calls for Meat Taxes and Seven Bins in Net Zero Rethink

Rishi Sunak Rejects Calls for Meat Taxes and Seven Bins in Net Zero Rethink

Saving Households £10,000

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has pledged to reject unreasonable demands from credible climate organisations seeking to impose meat taxes and seven bins on British households. In a radio interview, Sunak promised to prioritize the lifestyle preferences and needs of families over out-of-touch advisory boards. The UK's independent Climate Change Committee has been lobbying for an accelerated shift away from meat and dairy in diets and ride-sharing solutions that could lead to a ban on privately owned vehicles. There have even been proposals for households to use seven separate bins. Sunak stated that while these suggestions have been raised by credible individuals, the government is focused on implementing substantive changes, such as the transition to electric vehicles and new heating solutions for homes, to meet net zero obligations.

A Reversal of Costly Net Zero Policies

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced a significant rethink of the UK's net zero policies yesterday, aiming to save hard-up households £10,000. Johnson has delayed the ban on new petrol and diesel cars until 2035, five years later than planned, and postponed the deadline to replace boilers with £10,000 heat pumps. He emphasized that despite these changes, he remains fully committed to achieving net zero by 2050 without imposing burdens on low-income families. Johnson called for a change in politics to build a better future for children and argued that the country needs to take a different direction.

Mixed Reactions to the Rethink

While many Conservative MPs backed the Prime Minister's announcement, there were criticisms from some quarters. Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Cop26 President Alok Sharma were among those who opposed the move. Zac Goldsmith, a former Tory London mayoral candidate, demanded an election in response to the changes, stating that altering net zero policies is unjustifiable. However, Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch defended the rethink, arguing that decisions should be based on facts rather than personal wealth. She noted that many Conservative MPs have spoken positively about the changes, emphasizing the rising energy costs and the economic challenges posed by China as factors influencing the government's policies.