Rishi Sunak: It's not fair for illegal migrants to "jump the queue"

Rishi Sunak: It's not fair for illegal migrants to jump the queue

Integration and British values are crucial, says Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has emphasized that it is not fair for illegal migrants arriving in the UK on small boats to "jump the queue." He echoed Home Secretary Suella Braverman's concerns over mass migration and the failure of multiculturalism, but did not explicitly support her remarks. Speaking on ITV's This Morning, Sunak highlighted the welcoming nature of Britain and the success stories of immigrants. However, he stressed the importance of integration and signing up to British values for those coming to the UK.

Britain's compassion could be at risk, warns Sunak

Sunak also expressed concern that Britain's reputation for compassion could be jeopardized if the system is unable to handle an influx of illegal migrants. Currently, taxpayers are footing a bill of £8 million per day to house asylum seekers, many of whom are brought into the country by gangs. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made stopping small boats crossing the Channel a key priority, but the deportation plan to Rwanda is currently facing legal obstacles.

Rethinking the European Convention on Human Rights

If the deportation plan to Rwanda is ultimately blocked by the courts, ministers argue that the case for leaving the European Convention on Human Rights will become "irresistible." This move would have significant implications for the UK's legal obligations and human rights framework.

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