Sir Keir Starmer hails 'seismic' by-election victory as big step towards Downing Street

Sir Keir Starmer hails 'seismic' by-election victory as big step towards Downing Street

Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, is celebrating a "seismic" by-election victory that has humiliated the Scottish nationalists and is being seen as a significant step towards Downing Street. Experts are predicting that the 20% swing in this by-election could result in Labour picking up as many as 40 seats in Scotland if replicated in a general election. This success has boosted morale within the party, with one shadow Cabinet Minister declaring that there is no area of the country that Labour can't win in now.

A Positive Campaign

Sir Keir Starmer expressed his jubilation at the crucial by-election victory, stating that it was a big step in the right direction and an important one for the party. Visiting the Rutherglen constituency, he applauded the supporters for defying expectations and beating the Scottish National Party (SNP). He noted that this win vindicated the positive campaign that Labour ran.

Labour's Growth in Scotland

This by-election was called after SNP MP Margaret Ferrier was ousted by her constituents for breaking lockdown rules. The SNP has also been dealing with financial misconduct within the party, which led to the arrest of ex-First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Election expert Professor Sir John Curtice believes that Labour's performance in this by-election demonstrates a growth in the party that has not been seen since the independence referendum. If this swing continues across Scotland, Labour could secure around 40 seats, while the SNP's presence would be significantly reduced.

A Cautionary Note

Despite this victory, Labour insiders acknowledge that there is still work to be done. MPs and supporters must avoid becoming too triumphalist, especially at the party's upcoming annual conference in Liverpool. The focus now is to build on this momentum and continue to campaign across the country.

Sir Keir Starmer hails 'seismic' by-election victory as big step towards Downing Street

Overall, Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party are celebrating a significant win in the by-election, which they view as a major step towards achieving their goal of reaching Downing Street. With renewed energy and support, Labour is now setting its sights on future electoral success across the UK.