Piers Morgan slams Nigel Farage for 'bottling' election fight in fiery TV clash

Piers Morgan slams Nigel Farage for 'bottling' election fight in fiery TV clash

Piers Morgan calls out Farage

Piers Morgan criticized Nigel Farage for deciding not to run as an MP in the upcoming election, accusing him of backing out at the last minute.

Heated debate on BBC Question Time

The two clashed on BBC Question Time, with Morgan expressing his frustration over Farage's decision and Farage defending himself by citing past attempts and claiming insufficient time to prepare for the race.

Farage's response

Farage defended his choice, mentioning alleged cheating in a previous election and his concerns about the major parties' disregard for the law. He emphasized the importance of participating in the campaign and debates despite not running for office.

Blazing argument

The argument escalated, with Morgan labeling Farage a "little weasel" and accusing him of "bottling it," prompting the show's host to step in to ease the tension between the two.

Piers Morgan slams Nigel Farage for 'bottling' election fight in fiery TV clash

Controversial comments

Piers challenged Farage on remarks made by Reform's deputy leader regarding migrants, leading to a heated discussion on humanitarian issues and political stances.

Rivalry and personal jibes

The animosity between Morgan and Farage dates back to past incidents, including an alleged attempt by Farage to interfere with Morgan's interview with ex-President Trump. Personal jabs were exchanged both during and after the show.

Unresolved matters

Piers also raised questions about a bet between him and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, as well as unresolved financial matters, adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.