Parents Must Have Access to Sex Education Material, Demands Education Secretary

Parents Must Have Access to Sex Education Material, Demands Education Secretary

Ordering Transparency

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is calling for teachers to show parents the sex education lessons being taught in schools. Keegan is concerned that some children are being exposed to what she calls "woke ideas" without parental knowledge or consent.

Right to Know

Keegan insists that parents have a fundamental right to know what their children are learning in sex education classes and should not be denied access. She believes that transparency is crucial in ensuring that parents are well-informed about the materials being used.

Debunking the Myth

Some schools have previously cited copyright law as a reason for withholding relationship and sex education materials from parents. However, Keegan dismisses this explanation as baseless and claims it is a "myth." She asserts that parents must be empowered to ask for and receive information about their children's education.

Reviewing the Curriculum

The Department for Education is currently undertaking a review of the entire relationships and sex education curriculum. As part of this process, Keegan will also be writing to parents to inform them of their rights to view sex education materials if they wish.

Parents Must Have Access to Sex Education Material, Demands Education Secretary

By ensuring transparency and parental involvement, Keegan hopes to address concerns about the content being taught in sex education classes and give parents peace of mind.

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