Nigel Farage Attacked with Milkshake Again During Campaign Event

Nigel Farage Attacked with Milkshake Again During Campaign Event

Repeat Offender

Nigel Farage found himself drenched in milkshake once more as a woman hurled a McDonald’s banana drink at him during his general election campaign kick-off in Clacton.

Not His First Rodeo

This is not the first time the Brexit champion has been targeted with a milkshake, with a similar incident occurring in Newcastle back in 2019.

Dampening the Spirits

The soggy start to Farage's campaign put a dampener on the day, but he remained resilient, vowing to continue his fight in the upcoming election.

Political Fallout

The incident reignited the debate on the treatment of politicians, with Farage's camp using it as an opportunity to rally support and gain more votes.

Nigel Farage Attacked with Milkshake Again During Campaign Event

Challenging the Status Quo

Farage took the opportunity to criticize the Tories, accusing them of betraying voters and promising to shake things up if elected to Parliament.

Local Reactions

Residents in Clacton had mixed reactions to Farage's presence, with some hopeful that he could bring positive change to the area.

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