Americans Divided on Jail Time for Trump After Hush Money Conviction

Americans Divided on Jail Time for Trump After Hush Money Conviction

One in 3 Americans Support Jail Time

A recent poll by The U.S. Sun has revealed that just over a third of Americans believe former President Donald Trump should spend time behind bars following his hush-money trial conviction. Despite being the first former president in U.S. history to be convicted of a crime, support for Trump remains strong.

Support for Jail Time Varies Among Democrats and Republicans

When broken down by political parties, the poll found that approximately 62% of Democrats supported jail time for Trump, while only 12% of Republicans felt the same way. On the other hand, 17% of respondents believed that Trump should lose his business licenses as a punishment.

Trump's Conviction and Voter Support

Despite the guilty verdict, voter support for Trump has only seen a minimal decrease. The survey showed that there was only a 2% drop in individuals who said they were likely to vote for Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election. While Trump has maintained a lead over President Joe Biden in previous polls, the two are now tied at 42% in the latest survey.

Impact on Trump's Future Political Career

Experts have stated that Trump's conviction is unlikely to hinder his chances for another shot at the White House. Even though 37% of Americans believe he should no longer be eligible to run for president, the conviction itself does not disqualify him from holding the position. Trump is expected to be named as the Republican party’s candidate at the upcoming Republican National Convention, with a majority of his supporters indicating they would stick with him even if an alternative candidate is nominated.

Americans Divided on Jail Time for Trump After Hush Money Conviction

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