National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined

BORIS Johnson has ordered the nation to stay at home for at least a month to crack down on Covid – and shut the nations schools.

The PM tonight ordered a return to the strict measures of March – and people will face fines for breaking the law which could reach up to £6,400.

National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined
Traffic police stop vehicles to check if their travel was essential on Mumbles Road in the Blackpill area of Swansea, Wales
National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined

It means that from midnight tonight people in England will only be able to leave their house for a certain number of allowed reasons.

Schools will be shut again, with only the children of key workers of vulnerable children permitted to attend.

The drastic intervention will last for at least a month – until the middle of February.

Boris has said the huge spike in cases – with 58,000 recorded today alone – has forced him to act.

And the Covid alert level is going up to five for the first time too, the highest level of alert meaning the NHS may be overwhelmed within three weeks.

Similar rules will be in place in Scotland, too.

Anyone who breaks the rules to leave home or go somewhere without a reasonable excuse will face a fine of £60 in Scotland – and up to £200 in England.

That can rise up to £6,400 for multiple offences which add up.

Police will have legal power to enforce this including fines or dispersing orders.

You could face a fine for:

  • Being out of your home without a reasonable excuse as below
  • Travelling aboard or going on holiday during the lockdown period – as this is not a reasonable excuse
  • Breaking Covid rules by having others outside your household inside your home – or meeting with more than one person outside
  • Hosting a gathering – this could see you get a fine of up to £10,000
  • Businesses or venues can be fined up to £10,000 too for continuing to operate despite being ordered to shut
  • Not wearing a face covering on public transport or in shops

A full list of reasons are set to be published by the Government in due course.

The excuses are expected to include:

  • Work: If you have to go to work as you really can’t work from home, this will be allowed. Key workers such as those who work for the police, or NHS, will be permitted to do so
  • School: only for the kids of key workers or vulnerable pupils
  • Exercise: Boris will continue to allow unlimited exercise outdoors. That means people can carry on going for walks, runs and other forms of exercise outdoors if they wish. You can do that with your household, support bubble or on your own with one person from another household
  • Food, drink & supplies: People will still be allowed out to collect food and drink – such as at the supermarket, or take-aways
  • Medical appointments: Everyone will be urged to continue to attend hospital and doctor appointments if they need to
  • To escape injury or harm; those at risk of harm are allowed to leave their current home and move elsewhere
  • To provide care for vulnerable people, or as a volunteer: people will still be allowed to travel to care for people who need it, or attend volunteer work too

National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined
The entire nation will be told to stay at home from tonight onwards – until the end of January
National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined
Nicola Sturgeon has ordered Scotland into lockdown too
National lockdown: Leaving your home, going on holiday or having a party – all the reasons you could get fined