National lockdown – Boris Johnson orders nation to stay at home until middle of February from TONIGHT

BORIS Johnson has tonight ordered the nation to stay at home until mid-February as he launched an emergency shutdown to try and save Britain’s NHS.

The PM told the nation today they must once again stay confined inside and not see others for at least six weeks as part of a huge new push to stop the spread of coronavirus.

National lockdown – Boris Johnson orders nation to stay at home until middle of February from TONIGHT
Boris is announcing a new lockdown for England

It comes after the PM was given startling statistics about the NHS, case numbers and the new variant strain of the virus.

The number of patients in hospital has risen by a third in the last week alone – to more than

More than 80,000 people tested positive for people across the UK – a new record.

And deaths are up again in the last week, he revealed.

“It’s clear we need to do more, together, to bring this new variant under contorl.

“We must go into a new national lockdown which is tough enough to contain the virus.

“The Government is once again instructing you to stay at home.”

The new rules will come into law from tomorrow, but businesses are being told to shut from tonight.

Outdoor sports venues like tennis courts and gyms will have to shut once again.

National lockdown – Boris Johnson orders nation to stay at home until middle of February from TONIGHT