Michael Gove's Warning on UK's Housing Crisis Hours Before Resignation

Michael Gove's Warning on UK's Housing Crisis Hours Before Resignation

Tackling the Housing Crisis

Tory heavyweight Michael Gove issues a stark warning, describing the failure to address the housing crisis as one of the UK's most pressing challenges.

Biggest Challenges Ahead

In a leaked recording just before his resignation, Gove emphasizes that housing and planning issues will be the toughest to tackle in the upcoming parliament.

Reforms and Resistance

Despite efforts for major reforms in the sector, past attempts have faced resistance from within the Tory party, with compulsory housebuilding targets being dropped to quell backbench rebellion.

Mass Exodus of Tory MPs

Gove joins a growing list of Tory MPs stepping down, with a record number of 78 announcing their departure, surpassing the exodus before Tony Blair's 1997 landslide victory.

Looking Ahead

As more resignations are expected following the announcement of a July 4 election, the toll of public office and long political careers are cited as reasons for the departures.

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