Matt Hancock's Public Humiliation at Eton

Matt Hancock's Public Humiliation at Eton

Teen Son of Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg Calls Out Ex-Health Secretary

Matt Hancock has been publicly humiliated over his extra-marital affair — by the teenage son of Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.

The ex-Health Secretary was giving a talk at Eton when he described the senior Tory MP as "not a good politician."

Unexpected Turn of Events

But he failed to realize that Peter Rees-Mogg, 16, was in the audience for the event at the top private school in Windsor, Berks. During a question and answer session, Peter turned the tables, praising his father's character and loyalty.

Revelation of the Affair

Mr. Hancock's affair with Gina Coladangelo was revealed in 2021, at a time when he was advocating for social distancing measures. He has since announced his decision to step down at the next election after making appearances on reality shows.

Response from Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg

Sir Jacob commended his son's actions, stating that Peter's courage and loyalty were admirable qualities displayed in front of a large audience of boys.

A source close to Mr. Hancock mentioned that he appreciated the engaging discussion with the students at Eton.

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