Michael Gove's New Scheme to Rein in Town Hall Fatcats with Six-Figure Salaries

Michael Gove's New Scheme to Rein in Town Hall Fatcats with Six-Figure Salaries

New Laws on the Horizon

Town Hall fatcats on six-figure salaries will be reined in under new laws putting pay to the vote.

Under the new legislation, any local authority salary exceeding £100,000 will require approval from elected councillors. This move aims to prevent excessive payouts to top bosses.

Crackdown on Unjustified Salaries

Last November, Trending In The News uncovered ministers' commitment to ending the "raw deal" for taxpayers. Communities Secretary Michael Gove is spearheading this initiative to provide proper oversight of senior pay.

Gove is supporting a Private Members’ Bill introduced by Tory MP Paul Bristow, which is expected to pass its initial Commons hurdle today.

Key Figures Revealed

The Local Government (Pay Accountability) Bill stipulates that councils cannot appoint individuals to roles with salaries exceeding £100,000 without a full council vote. Shocking statistics show that 2,759 council officials earn six-figure salaries, with 721 earning over £150,000. Approximately 600 officials earn more than the Prime Minister's £156,000 salary.

Addressing Financial Strain

Amidst several councils facing financial instability and even bankruptcy, Mr. Bristow emphasizes the need to prioritize the interests of hard-pressed council taxpayers and tackle the escalating costs of town hall salaries.

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