Labour's Wes Streeting forgets party's pledges on live TV

Labour's Wes Streeting forgets party's pledges on live TV

Embarrassing blunder on BBC show

Labour's Shadow Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, faced a humiliating moment on live TV when he failed to name all of his party's new campaign promises. While Defence Secretary Grant Shapps smoothly listed his party's five pledges, Streeting stumbled, forgetting one crucial commitment.

Labour unveils Tony Blair-style pledge card

Sir Keir Starmer recently revealed a Tony Blair-style pledge card with six key policies Labour would focus on if in Government. Streeting struggled to recall all of them on the BBC, having to fish out the pledge card from his pocket to check the final item: cracking down on anti-social behaviour.

Reaction and aftermath

Streeting, visibly embarrassed by the gaffe, later joked about his forgetfulness on LBC, saying he had been kicking himself for the mistake. Tory Party chairman Richard Holden wasted no time in criticizing the blunder, highlighting Labour's alleged lack of a clear plan for Britain.