Labour's Employment Reforms Could Cost Businesses £205 Billion, Tories Warn

Labour's Employment Reforms Could Cost Businesses £205 Billion, Tories Warn

Tory Warnings

The Tories are cautioning that Labour's proposed sweeping reforms to workers' rights could hit businesses hard, potentially costing them £205 billion. The plan, dubbed the New Deal for Workers, has sparked concerns about turning the UK into a "French-style" economy.

Details of the Plan

The New Deal for Workers includes significant changes such as extending statutory sick pay to all workers, banning zero-hours contracts, and strengthening the Equalities Act to impose stricter rules on hiring practices. However, the Tories estimate that these reforms, combined with minimum wage hikes, could result in a hefty bill for employers.

Business Concerns

Business leaders are expressing worries about the potential impact of the reforms on hiring practices and overall business operations. Some fear reduced flexibility for workers and increased costs associated with recruitment, which could ultimately affect the economy and job market.

Sir Keir's Defense

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is facing criticism for changing his stance on various pledges, with opponents branding him a "spineless human jellyfish." Despite the scrutiny, Sir Keir defends his decisions, citing economic realities and the need to prioritize certain policies over others.

Labour's Employment Reforms Could Cost Businesses £205 Billion, Tories Warn

Conservative Criticism

The Conservatives are seizing on Sir Keir's policy shifts, accusing Labour of lacking a clear plan and consistently changing course. They argue that the Tories offer a more decisive approach to addressing key issues and ensuring a secure future for the country.

Election Updates

As the election campaign heats up, party leaders are crisscrossing the country to win support. While PM Boris Johnson visits Belfast and Lib Dem leader Ed Davey tours Eastbourne, Labour's Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to address the cost-of-living crisis in her first campaign speech.

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