What do ordinary people want from the upcoming General Election?

What do ordinary people want from the upcoming General Election?

Transport/Energy Secretary: Grant Davis, 60

London cabbie Grant Davis voices concerns about immigration, the economy, NHS reform, housing, and law and order. He highlights the need for addressing these issues in the upcoming election.

Health Secretary: Trainee GP Dr Bhasha Mukherjee, 28

Dr. Bhasha Mukherjee discusses the importance of NHS reform and the need for clear policies from both Labour and the Conservatives. She emphasizes the need for a clear direction in healthcare policies.

Education Secretary: Former teacher Carrie Ann Booth, 42

Former teacher Carrie Ann Booth shares her thoughts on Sir Keir Starmer's image and the need for him to connect with voters. She discusses the perception of the Labour party and the challenges they face in the upcoming election.

Business Secretary: Plumber Manesh Vekaria, 37

Plumber Manesh Vekaria talks about the economic challenges facing the country and the need for improving the NHS and policing. He highlights the impact of the economy on people's lives and the importance of addressing these issues.

What do ordinary people want from the upcoming General Election?

Defence & Foreign Secretary: Ex-Army Captain Hugh Andree, 50

Ex-Army Captain Hugh Andree discusses the treatment of bereaved military wives and the need for better support for veterans. He shares his views on the military's recruitment challenges and the threats faced by the country.

Home Secretary: Former detective Jonathan Taylor, 63

Former detective Jonathan Taylor raises concerns about big spending plans from both parties and questions where the funding will come from. He discusses his views on VAT on private schools and the need for clear promises from political parties.