Labour government would make UK a 'magnet for illegal migrants', says Home Secretary

Labour government would make UK a 'magnet for illegal migrants', says Home Secretary

James Cleverly criticizes Sir Keir Starmer's immigration pledge

Home Secretary James Cleverly has warned that under a Labour government, Britain would become a "magnet for illegal migrants." Cleverly criticized Sir Keir Starmer's pledge to cut arrivals, accusing him of supporting high immigration levels.

Starmer accused of saying what people want to hear

Cleverly accused Sir Keir of only saying what people want to hear during elections and lacking conviction in his beliefs. The Home Secretary pointed to a letter from Sir Keir's 2020 Labour leadership campaign, where he pledged to support free movement and defend migrant rights.

Labour's stance on immigration targets questioned

Sir Keir had mentioned curbing net migration by cracking down on "bad bosses" hiring foreigners and training more British workers. However, neither he nor Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have committed to specific targets or deadlines.

Labour avoids setting specific migration reduction goals

Yvette Cooper stated that Labour is refraining from setting specific targets due to the inconsistency seen when the Tories have done so in the past. Cooper emphasized the need for significant changes in immigration policies as the numbers have tripled.

Labour government would make UK a 'magnet for illegal migrants', says Home Secretary

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