Keir Starmer's U-turn on Corbyn-style Manifestos

Keir Starmer's U-turn on Corbyn-style Manifestos

From Praise to Criticism

Keir Starmer has made a significant U-turn in his stance on "Corbyn-style" manifestos, once praising them for their "decency and dignity" but now criticizing them for lacking costings.

Political Backlash

The Labour leader faced backlash for attacking his own party members, with critics pointing out his previous support for Jeremy Corbyn's manifestos during election campaigns.

Starmer's New Plan

Starmer announced a new plan that he claims is fully costed and does not include increases in income tax, VAT, or national insurance.

Reactions from Critics

Critics, including ex-Tory ministers and left-wing campaigners, have called out Starmer's change in stance, highlighting his previous support for Corbyn's manifestos.

Keir Starmer's U-turn on Corbyn-style Manifestos

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