Keir Starmer Urged to Cancel Anti-Israel Event at Labour Conference

Keir Starmer Urged to Cancel Anti-Israel Event at Labour Conference

Pressure Mounting on Labour Leader

Sir Keir Starmer is facing mounting pressure to cancel an anti-Israel event scheduled to take place at the upcoming Labour conference. The event, titled "What a Labour government should mean for Palestinians' rights," is being hosted by Labour Friends of Palestine. Critics argue that it is inappropriate given the recent invasion of Israel by Palestinian terrorists, which resulted in the tragic loss of innocent lives.

Controversial Event Description

The official conference programme includes a description of the event, which states that Israel's far-right government is exacerbating the health and human rights crisis for Palestinians through the expansion of settlements, deepening annexation, and allowing settler and military violence to persist.

Calls for Cancellation from Conservatives

Nickie Aiken, Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party, has voiced deep concern over the event and has called for its cancellation. Aiken argues that Labour should have no association with such an event in light of the ongoing violence in Israel.

Additional Pressure on Starmer

In addition to the calls for the event's cancellation, Sir Keir Starmer has also been urged to sever ties with a left-wing group whose coordinator applauded the Palestinian invasion. Pawel Wargan, coordinator of Progressive International’s secretariat, praised the "heroic moment of resistance" against the "Zionist occupation." Former shadow chancellor John McDonnell and left-winger Zarah Sultana are both members of this group's council, along with former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Critics Speak Out

Lord John Mann, a former Labour MP and independent adviser to the government on Antisemitism, has called on those associated with the event to distance themselves from it. Mike Katz, national chair of Jewish Labour, emphasized that celebrating the murder of civilians and failing to condemn terrorists is not progressive. The comments made by these individuals have only fueled calls for the Labour Party to reassess its relationship with these organizations and cancel the event.

Response from Labour Party

A Labour party spokesperson has emphasized that the party condemns the acts of terror committed against Israel and firmly believes there can be no justification for them. They have also stated that the Labour Party has no affiliation with the group hosting the event.

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