Just 1% of Migrants Arriving via English Channel Have Been Removed from UK

Just 1% of Migrants Arriving via English Channel Have Been Removed from UK

Tories Demand Action on Illegal Immigration

Hardline Tory MPs are putting pressure on the government regarding the scale of illegal immigration, as it was revealed that only 1% of migrants who arrived in small boats across the English Channel have been removed from the UK. Figures show that out of nearly 110,000 migrants who have arrived in the past three years, only 1,182 have been sent back to their country of origin. The majority of those removed were from Albania, a country with a returns agreement with the UK. The Home Office has also revealed that the cost of the Bibby Stockholm asylum barge, used to house migrants, is £22 million so far.

Prime Minister Works to Unite Conservative Backbenchers

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is attempting to unite Conservative backbenchers behind his flagship migration bill. He declared that the number of Channel crossings has fallen by a third under his watch and emphasized his determination to implement the Rwanda flights as part of his immigration blueprint. However, Tory MPs are calling for more robust action, with some suggesting that the Rwanda policy needs to be implemented at a larger scale. Immigration ministers Michael Tomlinson and Tom Pursglove were grilled over the figures at a Commons showdown.

Concerns Over Legacy Backlog and Missing Migrant Children

Minister Tom Pursglove admitted that the government is likely to miss its pledge to clear a legacy backlog of 92,000 asylum cases by the end of the year. Additionally, ministers revealed that 132 out of 154 migrant children who went missing from hotels last summer are still unaccounted for. Some have since become adults, while 29 are still children. The cost to the public purse of housing migrants in hotels is around £8 million per day and is forecasted to reach £32 million if the migrant problem continues.

Rift in Conservative Party Over Rwanda Plan

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is working to regain control of his party after facing a revolt over his Rwanda Bill. Right-wing Tories have warned of further trouble if the legislation is not strengthened after Christmas. Home Secretary James Cleverly stated that the Conservative Party is united in its aim to pass the Rwanda plan and will meet with rebel group commander MP Mark Francois to discuss their concerns. Killing the bill would jeopardize the government's entire Rwanda policy.

Just 1% of Migrants Arriving via English Channel Have Been Removed from UK

Success in Reducing Channel Crossings

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak highlighted his success in reducing the number of small boat arrivals into the UK by a third. He expressed his eagerness to continue with removal flights and emphasized the significant progress made in tackling the issue of Channel crossings.