Jill Biden Congratulates Joe Biden After Debate: 'Like a Child'

Jill Biden Congratulates Joe Biden After Debate: 'Like a Child'

Cringe Moment After Debate Horrorshow

Jill Biden was seen congratulating her husband Joe Biden 'like a child' after his debate horrorshow against Donald Trump. The elderly leader of the free world staggered through the 90-minute clash, prompting calls for him to consider ending his re-election bid.

Lively Jill Praising Joe

Despite Joe Biden's disastrous performance, Jill Biden praised him for 'answering all the questions' and doing a great job. The US president, 81, seemed almost childlike as his wife, 73, complimented him at a post-debate rally in Georgia.

Viewers Shocked by the Exchange

Viewers couldn't believe what they were seeing during the exchange, with one Democrat comparing it to a mother congratulating her toddler for using the potty for the first time. Biden later confirmed he will run for office in November.

Concerns Over Biden's Health

Before the debate, doubts were raised about Biden's suitability for office due to gaffes and moments where he appeared frail. During the showdown, Biden stammered through his words, leading to concerns about his health and ability to serve another four years in office.

Jill Biden Congratulates Joe Biden After Debate: 'Like a Child'

Low Approval Ratings and Reactions

Biden currently has a 36% approval rating, his lowest in two years. Former President Donald Trump has accused Biden of being too old to run for another four years. CNN host Van Jones was left in tears after Biden's debate performance, calling for him to consider a different course.