Biden faces ultimatum from top Democrats after disastrous debate

Biden faces ultimatum from top Democrats after disastrous debate

Bumbling Biden's performance raises concerns

Joe Biden, 81, faced criticism after stumbling through the first debate of the 2024 election cycle against Donald Trump, 78. Questions about his fitness for office have been raised, with some Democrats suggesting he should be replaced.

Demands for Biden to step aside

Following the debate, Democratic figures have described Biden's performance as a "slow-motion car crash" and "a meltdown." Calls for him to be replaced as the Democratic nominee have been growing, with top Democrats considering potential options.

Potential loopholes and ultimatums

The Democrats could potentially replace Biden before the Democratic National Convention in August through a "loophole" in the party rules. If Biden refuses to step aside, he could face a Nixon-style ultimatum from the party. Invoking the 25th Amendment is another option to remove him from office.

Plummeting polls and future debates

Biden's approval ratings have been declining, with the latest polls showing his lowest rating in two years. The second and final debate is scheduled for September, with the spotlight on Biden's performance and potential challengers.

Biden faces ultimatum from top Democrats after disastrous debate

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