Illegal migrants must be stopped from ‘shopping around’ for preferred new country, says Suella Braverman

Illegal migrants must be stopped from ‘shopping around’ for preferred new country, says Suella Braverman

In a call for a crackdown on illegal migration, Home Secretary Suella Braverman has stated that asylum-seekers must be prevented from "shopping around" for their preferred destination country. She has called for a reform of UN rules to address this issue.

Refugee status at risk

Under the proposed shake-up, refugee status could be revoked if migrants travel through multiple safe countries before reaching their desired destination. Braverman will outline this blueprint for an international effort to combat illegal migration during a speech in the US.

Differentiating between seeking asylum and economic opportunities

Braverman will emphasize that seeking asylum and seeking better economic prospects should not be treated as the same thing. She argues that seeking refuge in the first safe country or "shopping around" for a specific destination are distinct from being trafficked or smuggled into a country against one's will.

Is the UN Refugee Convention fit for our modern age?

Braverman's speech will raise questions about the suitability of the UN Refugee Convention from 1951 in today's world. She will argue for a potential need for reform in order to address current challenges and ensure the convention remains relevant.

Examining the situation in the UK

Braverman will assert that the majority of individuals entering the UK by boat from France are not fleeing immediate danger but have passed through multiple safe countries beforehand. She suggests that they should perhaps no longer be treated as refugees.

Expanding criteria for protection

In addition, Braverman will highlight the unsustainability of maintaining a system where individuals qualify for protection based solely on their sexual orientation or gender identity. She argues for a more comprehensive and realistic approach to determining eligibility for protection.

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