Hate preacher Anjem ­Choudary compared his time in Britain’s only high-security terror unit to a Monty Python sketch

MOANING preacher of hate Anjem ­Choudary compared his time in Britain’s only high-security terror unit to a Monty Python sketch.

The fanatic was in the isolation wing at Frankland while serving time for supporting IS. 

Hate preacher Anjem ­Choudary compared his time in Britain’s only high-security terror unit to a Monty Python sketch
Hate preacher Anjem ­Choudary compared jail to a Monty Python sketch

Choudary, 54 was gagged from speaking until last week, and he lashed out at the facility, designed to keep extremist prisoners away from other lags at the Co Durham jail.

He said: “It was astounding how disorganised and incompetent the whole thing was.

“It reminded me of some kind of Monty Python sketch — like the Ministry of Silly Walks.” 

The London Islamist also complained it was like the US’s Guantanamo Bay terror detention camp, despite decent food and books.

One justice source branded his claims “idiotic”.

Sam Armstrong, from the Henry Jackson Society national security think tank, said: “It’s a shame he doesn’t have any remorse and is back to his old tricks again.”

Choudary last week called for the release of terror cleric Omar Bakri hours after his gagging order ended following his 2018 release.

Bakri fled the UK to Lebanon in 2005 but was jailed for life there.