Gavin Williamson ‘forgets’ his own A-Level grades – despite vividly recalling results day seconds earlier

BUMBLING Gavin Williamson “forgot” his own A-Level grades live on air this morning – despite just seconds earlier vividly recalling his results day.

As thousands of pupils found out their marks, the Education Secretary would not spill what he scored in his exams three decades ago.

Gavin Williamson “forgot” his A-Level results live on air this morning

During a toe-curling exchange on LBC he insisted: “I have forgotten, it is so long ago. It is 27 years ago.”

Moments before the Minister remembered his “absolute delight” when he discovered he had won a place at Bradford University to study social sciences.

Mr Williamson recounted: “For a lad growing up in Scarborough, Bradford was the most exotic and exciting place in the whole world.”

“It opened up the pathway to those next steps and I was absolutely delighted.”

Although he wriggled when pressed about his grades, he admitted it was not “three A*s”.

Viewers raised eyebrows that he could describe the event in detail but his actual results slipped his mind.

One observed: “Amazing he can remember how exotic Bradford felt, how he walked through his old 6th form corridor, how he opened the envelope… then a complete blank at the most important bit!”

Mr Williamson went to Bradford University in 1994 after studying History, Government & Politics and Economics at Scarborough Sixth Form.

He has previously said he kindled a passion for politics during his time there.

His former politics teacher Peter Ashton said Mr Williamson was part of a “star-studded” class that also included the MP Cherilyn Mackrory.