Councils to Gain More Power to Stop Takeaway Outlets Opening Near Schools

Councils to Gain More Power to Stop Takeaway Outlets Opening Near Schools

Curb on Fast Food Joints

Councils are set to receive strengthened powers to prevent takeaway outlets from opening near schools, as many town halls face challenges in enforcing existing restrictions on fast food establishments.

Challenges Faced by Councils

It has been reported that numerous councils in England and Wales, including at least 43, have encountered challenges from major fast-food chains like KFC when attempting to regulate the opening of such outlets near educational institutions.

Government's Response

A Government source highlighted the pressing issue of childhood obesity, emphasizing the importance of empowering councils to address the problem effectively without facing obstacles.

Efforts to Combat Childhood Obesity

The Government's National Planning Policy Framework is set to include provisions that will enable councils to restrict the establishment of takeaway outlets near schools, with the aim of reducing childhood obesity rates.

Obesity Crisis Among Children

Recent studies have revealed alarming rates of obesity among children in England, with nearly a quarter of ten and 11-year-olds classified as obese. Comparatively, English children are four times more likely to be obese than their French counterparts.

Government's Commitment

The Department of Health has expressed concerns about the long-term health implications of the obesity crisis among children and reiterated the government's commitment to addressing the issue, including preventing fast food outlets from targeting young people.

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