Controversy over Hate Crime Training Comparing Women's Fear to Racism

Controversy over Hate Crime Training Comparing Women's Fear to Racism

Outrageous Comparison

A group teaching the public to tackle hate crime has stirred controversy by comparing women who fear men behind them to racists, claiming it is a form of unconscious bias.

Response to Recent Events

This response comes in the wake of a damning inquiry into the murder of Sarah Everard, as well as the investigation into rogue cop Wayne Couzens' kidnap and murder of Everard.

Outrage from Labour MP

Labour MP Rosie Duffield criticized the training, calling it "outrageous nonsense" and warning against encouraging women to ignore their instincts, deeming the comparison to racism as "ridiculous."

Undercover Investigation

Harry Miller of We Are Fair Cop went undercover at a Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate session, where trainers reportedly accused women of having unconscious bias or "flawed thinking" for fearing men's footsteps at night.

Concerns Raised

The trainers allegedly equated women's reactions to seeing men behind them at night to a person crossing the street to avoid a black man, labeling it as racism, leading to concerns about potentially endangering women by dismissing their instincts.

Official Responses

Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate did not respond to requests for comment, while Staffordshire police stated they would review the discussions that took place during the training session.

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