Tory MPs push for big tax cuts in "Tesco Value Budget" ahead of fiscal blueprint

Tory MPs push for big tax cuts in Tesco Value Budget ahead of fiscal blueprint

Insider Discussions

Tory MPs are urging Jeremy Hunt to implement significant tax cuts this week, with insiders dubbing the proposed giveaway the "Tesco Value Budget." Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Hunt are currently engaged in intense discussions to finalize the details of what could be a pivotal fiscal plan.

Revenue Sources

The government is considering levying taxes on smaller luxuries like business flights, cigarettes, and vapes to generate much-needed revenue. The aim is to use these funds to reduce income tax or National Insurance Contributions, potentially by 1p each, provided there is sufficient funding.

Crackdown on Waste

In addition to tax measures, Hunt plans to crack down on government red tape and inefficiencies to raise £1.8 billion over the next five years. The use of AI to combat crime, increased MRI scanners, and hot spot policing programs are also part of the strategy to optimize spending and improve public services.

Tory Demands

While Treasury insiders are cautious about the scale of tax cuts due to limited fiscal headroom, Tory MPs are pushing for substantial reductions. Some MPs argue that a 2p reduction in income tax could boost the government's popularity, emphasizing the importance of robust tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

MP Statements

MPs like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Iain Duncan Smith are advocating for tax cuts as a means to drive economic growth and enhance public services. Rees-Mogg warned against delivering a budget resembling Labour's proposals, underscoring the significance of impactful fiscal measures to resonate with voters.