Boris Johnson to Defend Against Dominic Cummings' Claims of Shifting Covid Positions

Boris Johnson to Defend Against Dominic Cummings' Claims of Shifting Covid Positions

The Trolley Debate

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to refute allegations made by Dominic Cummings that he behaved like a "trolley" during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cummings, the former No10 chief, accused Johnson of constantly changing his position on the crisis during a Covid inquiry in October.

Changing Views with Scientific Advice

An ally of Johnson defended the Prime Minister, stating that his views only changed when the scientific advice changed. The source also highlighted that without Johnson's leadership, the UK would have experienced an even longer lockdown. They emphasized Johnson's commitment to positioning the UK in the best possible position to handle future virus outbreaks.

Owning Up to Mistakes

While Johnson's statement is expected to downplay Cummings' influence, the former PM is prepared to admit to making mistakes. However, he will argue that his decisions ultimately saved "tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of lives." The inquiry will also hear evidence from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak before the end of the year.