Voter who questioned if Rishi and Keir are 'the best we've got' reveals he can't back Reform

Voter who questioned if Rishi and Keir are 'the best we've got' reveals he can't back Reform

Lifelong Tory voter expresses indecision

A voter, Rob Blackstock, who recently gained attention for questioning whether Rishi and Keir are the best choices for Prime Minister, has disclosed that he cannot bring himself to support the Reform party. Despite considering Nigel Farage's party as an option, Blackstock was deterred by Farage's comments on the situation in Ukraine.

Undecided voter shares his thoughts

Blackstock, a grandfather from Nottinghamshire, admitted to being genuinely undecided after criticizing the current political landscape and expressing his concerns about the leadership of both major parties. He mentioned that he was contemplating supporting Reform until Nigel Farage's remarks on the conflict in Ukraine steered him away.

Insight into the viral moment

When asked about his unexpected rise to fame following his questioning of political leaders during an event at Nottingham Trent University, Blackstock humbly stated that he never intended to become a sensation. He explained that he was just an ordinary citizen posing a question that he believed many others also wanted answers to.

Critique of political figures

Blackstock elaborated on his views about Rishi Sunak, labeling him as a mediocre Prime Minister despite acknowledging his efforts as Chancellor during challenging times. He also expressed suspicions about Keir Starmer's advisors pulling the strings and suggested a historical influence dating back to Tony Blair's era.

Voter who questioned if Rishi and Keir are 'the best we've got' reveals he can't back Reform

Response from Sir Keir

Sir Keir responded to Blackstock's question by emphasizing the impact of 14 years of Tory leadership on the country's current state. He highlighted unfulfilled promises made by the Conservatives and emphasized the need to restore hope by avoiding unrealistic pledges.