Steam Users Have Spent Nearly $20 Billion on Unplayed Games, Report Finds

Steam Users Have Spent Nearly $20 Billion on Unplayed Games, Report Finds

Steam: A Gaming Library Wonderland

Steam has long been a favorite platform for gamers looking to build their digital libraries, thanks to its frequent sales and vast selection of titles.

The Steam Deck: Gaming on a Budget

With the recent introduction of the Steam Deck, gamers no longer need an expensive gaming PC to access their Steam collections, making gaming more accessible than ever.

Impulse Buys and Unplayed Games

Steam's discounted prices, sometimes as low as 10% of console game prices, can lead to impulse purchases of games that may never get played. Other platforms like Humble Bundle offer even more savings on bundles of Steam games.

A Staggering $19 Billion Worth of Untouched Games

Reports estimate that there is approximately $19 billion (£15 billion) worth of unplayed games sitting in Steam users' libraries. This equates to an average of $19 (£15) per account, with some accounts being inactive or never used for game purchases.

Putting It Into Perspective

To put this figure into context, $19 billion is more than the net worth of some major companies' chairmen and equivalent to the GDP of countries like Jamaica.

For more on Steam and the latest Steam Deck offerings, be sure to check out the platform's latest sales.

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