A CLEVER PlayStation trick can help you game in peace.
It solves one of the biggest problems with online gaming – and you may have missed it completely.
Play your games in peace with a clever trick
Sometimes you just want to log on and play games without being disturbed.
But if you’ve got a packed PlayStation friends list, they’ll be able to see when you’re online.
Even if you log on and then switch to being offline, they may still catch you.
Thankfully there’s a hidden menu that lets you log into “offline”.
That means you can silently start gaming without anyone knowing.
How to log in offline on PS5
To do it, boot up your PS5 like normal.
You should be presented with the Welcome Back To PlayStation screen.
This is the page where you’ll choose your profile to log in with.
Press the menu you button here to pull up a hidden options panel.
Now scroll down and choose Appear Offline.
Then when you log in to your profile, you’ll automatically appear offline.
How to switch to Appear Offline on PS5
If you’re already online and you want to switch to appear offline, that’s easy too.
Go to the top of the screen and select your Profile image.
Click on it to reveal a menu, and then choose Online Status.
You’ll be able to click Appear Offline to change your status.
You can reverse this decision at any time.
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