PlayStation's Helldivers 2 Faces Backlash Over New Access Requirement

PlayStation's Helldivers 2 Faces Backlash Over New Access Requirement

What's Happening?

Helldivers 2 players are up in arms over an upcoming change that will restrict access for fans of the popular online multiplayer shooter.

The Current Situation

Helldivers 2 has been a massive success, allowing players to team up and complete missions in the name of Super Earth. Originally available on both PlayStation consoles and PC, a recent announcement has stirred controversy.

What's Changing?

Starting May 6, new players on Steam will be required to link their accounts to a PlayStation Network account. Existing Steam players will face the same requirement from May 30, with a deadline of June 4 to comply.

Why the Uproar?

Many players are furious about this change, as they do not own a PlayStation console and see no need for a PlayStation account. Some believe this move is simply a ploy by PlayStation to gather more player data.

Player Reactions

Players have expressed their frustration through review bombing and voicing their concerns about the impact on player count and accessibility. Some have even requested refunds, denouncing the requirement as a deceptive business practice.

What's Next?

As the controversy unfolds, players await further developments. Stay tuned for updates on how PlayStation plans to address the backlash.

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