Sitting Down to Play his Favorite Game for Almost 60 Hours Straight
It's easy to lose track of time when you're engrossed in a video game, but one man has taken it to the extreme. Hungarian chef Barnabás Vujity-Zsolnay recently broke two world records by playing his favorite game, World of Warcraft, for a shocking 59 hours and 20 minutes. The feat was recorded by Guinness World Records and surpassed the previous record for the longest continuous gaming session in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by over 20 hours.
A Record-Breaking Gaming Streak
Barnabás' gaming streak was almost unbroken, with the exception of a five-minute break every hour for eating and using the bathroom. The entire marathon was livestreamed, and all the donations made during the event went to charity. During his time playing World of Warcraft, Barnabás completed quests with other players and cleared out dungeons, fully immersed in the virtual world.
Mild Hallucinations and a Lifelong Passion
As a lifelong fan of World of Warcraft, Barnabás admitted that he would play the game for up to 16 hours at a time as a child. During his 59-hour gaming marathon, he experienced mild hallucinations around the 45-hour mark, which made it challenging to concentrate while livestreaming. However, despite the intense experience, Barnabás stated, "I don't regret it, and I don't recommend it. I love the game, and I will retake the record if it's beaten. This is mine for life – I want everyone to know that."
If you're interested in more gaming feats, be sure to check out our recap of IEM Katowice 2024.