TEARS of the Kingdom is finally here with more secrets than any other Zelda game.
One of the secrets is that you can transfer your horses over from Breath of the Wild, so you can use them in both games.

My Breath of the Wild horse is ready for new adventures.
However, some Zelda fans have noticed that their beloved horses aren’t appearing in their games.
Here’s how to transfer your horses from BotW, and how to fix it if it doesn’t work.
Tears of the Kingdom: How to transfer horses from Breath of the Wild
After you’ve finished Great Sky Island and you’ve landed in Hyrule, you can go pick up your horses.
There is a stable visible from Lookout Landing. If you look through your Purah Pad you will see one to the west you can mark.
You’ll be able to see it as it has a huge horse’s head on the top, and sends out big puffs of smoke.
Make your way there and talk to the man who registers horses for you.
If you don’t have a horse with you, then you can talk to the man and select ‘register a horse’.
He will first joke about an invisible horse before noting that you had registered some horses with them before.
You should then be able to take out any horses you registered in Breath of the Wild.
Tears of the Kingdom: Why can’t I get my horses from Breath of the Wild?

Freshly captured horses won’t appear in your stable.
Some players have followed these steps and they still can’t retrieve their horses from the stables.
The first thing to check is that you are using the same account you used when you played Breath of the Wild.
This is where your horses save data is stored and it will not be able to extract them from another account.
The other thing to check is when you started Tears of the Kingdom.
You can only transfer your horses if they are registered in Breath of the Wild before you start TotK.
You don’t need to have completed BotW or beat Ganon, you just need horses registered before you start.
It appears that TotK checks for your horses when you start the game, and they will not transfer after this.
If you collected horses in BotW after starting TotK you will not be able to collect them in the new game.
This will happen even if you can pick up the other horses you registered from BotW.
If this is the case for you, the only way you can fix it is by starting TotK over again.
For most people this isn’t worth it as you can still catch and register horses in TotK.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.