MUCH like Breath of the Wild’s Grand Plateau, Tears of the Kingdom has its own tutorial area.
This takes place on Great Sky Island, and is home to a number of shrines to teach you about the game’s new abilities.

This Construct will give you the Purah Pad.
However, if you want to speed through the tutorial and get straight into Hyrule, then we’ve got everything you need to know.
Here’s everything you need to know to get off Great Sky Island in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Starting out
Once Link wakes up, you need to pick up the Master Sword to slash through the vines.
This will reveal a terminal you can use, so do so. After this, follow the path outside and jump off the cliff’s edge.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Getting the Ultrahand ability
After you land in the water, you need to interact with the Construct next to the terminal.
This will give you the Purah Pad and activate the terminal. This will let you jump from that island to the larger islands below.
Go up to the large building ahead, and you will see a cutscene about your arm.
This will activate the shrines on the island, with the closest one being just over the field next to you.
Cross the field and climb the stairs to find the Ukouh Shrine, where you will learn the Ultrahand ability.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Getting the Fuse ability
After you have finished this shrine, you’ll receive the scope and be able to mark things.
You can mark two of the shrines from here: one is to the southwest, and the other is to the southeast high up on some icy islands.
Head down the stairs next to the Ukouh Shrine, and you will see two wooden boards that you can connect together in order to cross a gap to reach an island to the west.
Cross this gap and head towards the southwest shrine. You will come across another area where you need to connect two logs together to make another bridge across.
Follow the stream to the lake ahead and jump in near the waterfall. You will need to cross a big lake which you can do by creating a raft.
Connect some logs together and attach a sail to cross the lake using the wind.
This is where you will find the In-isa Shrine and learn the Fuse ability.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Getting the Ascend ability
After you leave the shrine, you will be given an Energy Cell, which will let you power vehicles and Zonai devices.
You should be facing a system of caves, so go through here, taking down as many Bubbul Frogs as you need to.
On the other side you will find a Steward Construct with some fans you can use.
Make another raft and use the fans by throwing a Zonai Charge at them to push your raft along.
Once over, climb the hill to find a mine shaft. Place the cart on the rails, and attach a fan to the back to whiz through the mines.
At the end of this track look east and you will see a cave with a large arch where you can cook meals to give you cold resistance.
Go up the hill by climbing up the side of the archway once you’re ready.
Head across the snowy plain to the rocks up ahead where you will see a cave beneath the shrine that you need to enter.
There are a number of trees on the other side of the cave that you can use to make a ladder out of.
Place the ladder against the wall and climb up towards the Gutanbac Shrine.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Getting the Recall ability
As soon as you have the Ascend ability you can use it on the overhead tree bark nearby.
Head through the hollow tree to find some gliders and ramps. Place a glider on a ramp and jump aboard to glide towards the temple you were near at the start.
Now you can open the door that was blocking your way previously.
There is a Sacred Stone inside, and you will see a short cutscene where you are given the Recall ability.
Recall the spinning wheels at the back of the temple so you can climb across and reach the upper chamber.
Then use your map to Fast Travel back to the Room of Awakening where you started.
You can now use the Recall to turn the wheels back again, and it will make a bridge that you can cross.
Here you will find Nachoyah Shrine, the last one of the Great Sky Island tutorial.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom: Landing in Hyrule
Return to the Temple of Time and use the Hylia Statue here to get a Heart Container.
You can now climb the wheels once again to enter the large door at the back.
You’ll see a cutscene, and there will be a waterfall trickling down to the world below. Jump down and try to land in the water at the bottom.
The next step is to head over to the tower at Lookout Landing and grab your paraglider.
Written by Dave Aubrey and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.