BAYONETTA 3’s main story is 14 chapters long, with four side missions, 14 challenge arenas, multiple witch trials, and an optional very difficult boss fight.
However, while all of these things can be difficult to find and complete, most difficult to find is Bayonetta 3’s secret chapter.

The old picture book is the key.
In order to unlock this, you need to follow a number of steps and find three keys hidden within certain levels.
If you’re confused on what to do, follow this guide on how to unlock the secret chapter in Bayonetta 3.
Purchase the old picture book — Bayonetta 3
The first thing you need to do is purchase the old picture book in Rodin’s shop.
To do this, you must enter the shop from the chapter select screen. In-chapter shops will not stock the book.
The book is in the Rodin’s Treasures section, and will cost 4100 Halos to purchase it.
If you are struggling to find Halos, follow these steps for some quick cash.
Find the Blue Key — Bayonetta 3
After you have purchased the old picture book, you will be able to find three keys hidden within Ginnungagap.
The first is the blue key and it can be found in Chapter 1.
Continue through Ginnungagap until you find a place where the path will veer left over some floating platforms.
Instead of crossing the platforms, continue on a bit, and the blue key is hidden behind a large stalagmite.
You will need to complete the chapter from here, in order to retrieve the key, but you can start from the entrance to Ginnungagap.
Find the Green Key — Bayonetta 3
The green key is hidden within Chapter 4, and you will need to make a very difficult jump in order to reach it.
We recommend equipping the G-Pillar as it gives you a boost at the end of your triple jump.
Near the end of Ginnungagap, you will see a series of ledges and stalagmites surrounding a high plateau.
To get up there, you will first need to climb the tallest stalagmite and wedge yourself in the branch.
Then perform a triple-jump towards the plateau, using your charged burst at the end.
Be careful as there is a lip on the top that you can climb over if you are too close to the wall.
Once at the top, you will find a field of lotuses, and the green key.
Find the Red Key — Bayonetta 3
The final key is the red key, and you will need to complete Chapter 13 to find it.
You can skip the rather long opening cutscene by starting the level at Ginnungagap.
Run through the level over the crumbling platforms until you reach a stable area after the hill with the winding staircase.
Look back at the path you just crossed, and you will see that the red key was floating under one of the platforms that is now gone.
You can use Love is Blue to fly using the crow to reach this, then head back to the winding staircase.
From here, you can go back to the top and fly with the crow back over, even though the platforms are now gone.
How to open the old picture book — Bayonetta 3
Once you have collected all three keys, the game will let you know that you can now open the old picture book.
If you are not ready to start the secret chapter, click no, and you will be able to choose to start it at any time by clicking on it in the chapter select.
Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.
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